Sunday, October 04, 2009

Today I fly Orlando to London. Tomorrow ="Having Tea" in Harpenden England at a communicatios conf. -Video:

How can we as Christians effectively communicate Good News to all people? As missionaries how can we involve a generation that has evolved so rapidly we hardly recognize them?

For example today we see:
-450,000 words, in the English language = 5x the amount in Shakespeare's day.
-The total population of the USA is less than the amount of people using Facebook
-31 billion Google searches per month
-China will soon become the the number one english speaking county in the world.

I look forward to working with representatives from Australia, Asia, South America, and Europe to discover ways to use the speed of communications and technology to Gods glory. I have been invited by YWAM's international chairman to make a presentation to this group about how to inspire this radical generation into God's plans for their lives. I believe many millions will realize that they too can spend their life sharing the love of Christ in the next few years because of the discoveries and decisions God will lead us to this week. As always I could never do this alone and your prayers and support allows us to do this a team, Thank You! (To find out how you can help click here)

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