Thursday, August 27, 2009

Has God Hidden His Treasures?

Each year I am amazed by the batch of new youth who join YWAM Orlando staff and are willing to give up an American Dream of financial prosperity. They willingly replace this dream with a life of financial dependence on God's provision through the generosity of His people. My passion and job is to teach and coach them how to find this provision through my personal experiences. But, I must share the correct motivations, not only methods, as valuable as they may be. If you have ever wished to sit in on a class on this topic here is your chance. Below I have condensed some of the main ideas I present for your reading pleasure. Enjoy!
God wants to use me to connect a portion His CHURCH to World Missions. My job is to find the team that is to be connected through me. Not everyone in His CHURCH is to be part of my team and I won't assume I know who they are. Many who know of me are most likely to be part of my team as God prefers to work through relationships.

By telling stories of what God has done, and is dreaming to do through me, I give Him the Glory due Him, and build credibility as a minister of the Gospel. Simply stating my need only gives information, and is not an actionable request. Unless I humble my self and request my need specifically many will not be willing to take the risk of offending me by giving "charity". By directly asking I overcome my pride of self sufficiency and allow God to provide through His people. By making a personal phone calls I reject the fear of man. Instead I personally connect with those who God has asked to join my team in completing the great commission. By accepting that more than half will not give financially I learn to trust God has already provided the ones He wants to be giving on my team. Those who reject my appeal are not rejecting me but simply the opportunity. I realize and trust they made this decision for reasons in complete obedience to the will of God in their life. God has hidden His treasure in His people and in doing so has motivated me to include many others in the vision He has given me for His Church.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Training new missionaries to receive God's provision

This week I have been teaching in the Full Support Workshop for a bunch new missionaries. They each have amazing callings and I look forward to seeing Gods dreams come true as they see provision to put dreams into action. If you want to join us for the next workshop click here.

Listen to an interview of one of the students below:

The altar was flooded!

Last Wednesday I was with the "Frontline" youth group of Trinity Chapel in Knoxville TN. Our team was invited to share our drama and dances as an example of how performing arts can be used to share the gospel around the world. I concluded the night with a challenge to for students to "dive into" into world missions. With the team behind me I invited the room full of 50+ teenagers to come forward and receive prayer if they wanted publicly make a decision to impact the needs people of around the globe with their faith. The alter was literally flooded! Even with a a team of 10 people willing to receive them, the crowd was waiting 2 and 3 deep for prayer. Thanks for your support as I have spent this summer challenging the next generation of missionaries.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

How I will cook on the road- Video:

Recently I have spent lots of time on the road. Although I have not yet tried to cooking in my hotel room like the video I cant wait to try it, I'm sure the hotel wont mind..oops!

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Passionate about missions in Buffalo New York

We are meeting waves of potential missionaries near Buffalo New York. Jackie, the girl in the photo, told me how she was passionate about missions and simply looking for a chance to make a difference in this world. Some of her friends had done YWAM and now meeting me at the Kingdom Bound festival felt like confirmation that she should join us for a mission trip this fall. I love when God uses me to confirm His calling on the lives of others! We will be driving through the night tonight (Wed-Thurs morning) so we can get to Unity festival in Muskegon, MI tomorrow. If you are in the area come see us perform on the A-Stage. For tickets and more info see Thanks for your prayers!

Saturday, August 01, 2009

New Hampshire missionary mobilization

I have been meeting the next generation of missionaries from New England. Many of them told me they have been looking for a way to have a global impact with their faith. Hundreds attended a demonstration of our performing arts team at SoulFest christian music festival. Thanks for your prayers for multiplication and safe travels as we travel to our next stop, Kingdom Bound Festival near Buffalo NY.