Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Local wildlife....Like the photo?

So when I moved to Orlando I guess I traded snow for snakes. Fair trade?

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Four Festivals done and Three to go! With Photos:

For the past month I have met thousand of people face to face and gladly answered their questions like:
"Does YWAM do Mission trips to Africa? 'Cause God has called me to go there when I graduate high school."
"My child is really into missions, could she do a summer mission trip with YWAM?"
"Our youth group has been looking for something just like what you do at YWAM. What should we do to sign up?"

We handed out 4000+ pieces of YWAM Info.
We drove over 4,000 miles
We camped in 4 different states
(Only letting our tent blow away once!)
We only broke the van once!
(Had to replace the fuel pump)
All in 28 days!

Now I'm back in Orlando for a half-time breather (20 Days) before the second half starts. Three more festivals and thousands of young people who will realize they can be part of the solution to the spiritual and physical problems of their generation. Instead of traveling with only one other staff member, I am excited to have a larger team on this second half. I will be joined by a performing arts team of 12 students and staff to attract attention to world missions and prove the many creative ways Christ's love can be shared globally.

Come see our team at:
July 29- Aug 1 Soulfest Gilford, NH
Aug 2-5 Kingdom Bound Buffalo, NY
Aug 6-8 Unity Festival Muskegon, MI